Typography is really amazing. A lot people can pick their favorite quotes and create simple to complex layouts.
The message is simple and easy to relate. One may agree or not with the quotes. But more often than not it can capture ones attention. And you can't help but think about it.
It may inspire you or may even have a more creative way of expressing the thought of the quote to another level that others may appreciate.
Like the people in Pinterest. Sharing their thoughts thru this medium of Typography can light up ones day or change how you feel about a lot of things.
It makes me want to buy a burger oozing with melted cheddar cheese topped with crispy bacon plus a cold bottle of soda. Go to the beach and sit on a porch.
Savoring the view and reading these typography quotes and enjoying the sands on my feet while listening to the sea breeze.
Thats a thought that I will sooner or later do. Other people may want to enjoy it in their favorite coffee shop or restaurants. Its quite an intereting conversational piece.
That is if your circle of friends likewise has the same interest as you. Like one of the quotes here "Amazing people no not just happen". I agree they were born to that uncompromising understanding not just to survive. But to live every second or every minute of their lives as if it were their last.
They do not dwell on regrets, or failures. They pause to reflect,and learn from that experience. They treat life as an adventure that has amazing heights and valleys. Nothing is certain. Only that thirst for an amazing adventure. They do not stop to improve on the things they believe. Their level of enthusiasm is anchored on and fueled by their vision. Focused on thier passion and fueled by determination.
Which actually boils down to ones ATTITUDE. Life will throw a lot of things in our way. It is how we accept it.
You may have come by the quote "The only certain things in life are death and taxes". To which Albert Einstien had also something to say:
"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." -- attributed to Albert Einstein
A lot people may agree on that but even though it may be the hardest for the most exceptional genius like Einstein. Franklin may have a point. Death and taxes is certain in life but not the only things life can offer. Well thats my thought what's yours?

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