
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Transferring Your TIN

Knowing where your TIN is the first step

If your new employer or current employer is requiring you to transfer your TIN.  But your not sure how to go about it then this article is for you. And for corporations or companies who wants to assist their employees in transferring the TIN of their people.  Especially if the RDO is quite far from their present employment.

This is what you will be using BIR Form 1905 .  Just Click the hyperlink to see this form or better print it so you can have a hard copy and fill it out.
First, you should know where your TIN is registered.  Most of you might want to guess based on where you are working or probably where your staying.  Please it would be wiser for you to call the BIR Contact center at 981-8888 or email or call Taxpayer Information & Education Division 981-7000 local 7250 / 7251 / 7252, just make sure you provide your full name, and birthdate.

The BIR is not allowed to divulge TIN numbers over the phone. If you forgot your TIN number then you are advised to request for a TIN card with our BIR branch or Revenue District Office (RDO). If you are unsure where your TIN is currently registered call the numbers provided above.     
The information you need is to ask  WHERE your TIN is registered. Or what RDO (which stands for Revenue District Office of the BIR).  For example, RDO 40 handles the Cubao area or RDO 45 which handles Marikina Area.
Once you know this, take note this is where you need to go to submit the 1905 BIR form. In this form go down to “4E” and check no. “1″ TRANSFER OF HOME RDO.
Write down the number code of your OLD RDO.  This is where your TIN is currently registered and where you will SUBMIT this form.  The NEW RDO is where you want your TIN registration to be TRANSFERRED to.
Don’t forget to sign your name at the back portion of this form.  So after filling out the necessary information YOUR NAME,  TIN NUMBER, RDO CODE and the other things mentioned above.  You can now submit this to BIR RDO where your TIN is currently registered.
Just remember to ask the personnel of the BIR when you can verify once the transfer has been done.  Or you can also call the BIR Contact Center which  was mentioned above.  This is to just to verify if your TIN is now with your NEW RDO.  
FOR CORPORATIONS or COMPANIES who wish to assist their employees in transferring their peoples TIN.
For the HR or authorized personnel who will be doing this. There is a way you can transfer the TIN of your employee from another RDO to the RDO of your company without having to leave the office or travel for that matter.  This is especially helpful for TINs located in another province. Where it is very expensive to travel back to that province just to submit your request fo transfer your TIN. Or the hassle of asking your relative to do it for you.
You need to fax the BIR form 1905 duly signed by the employee  to the Taxpayer Service Section (TSS) or Registration Section of the BIR Revenue District Office (RDO ) where the employee’s TIN is currently registered.
To know the fax number or telephone numbers of that particular RDO just call the   BIR Contact center at 981-8888 or email
First, know the number of that RDO. Know the name of the personnel who will assist you on this. So that you can call them up for confirmation once the fax transmission has been completed.  Yes, you need to fax both sides.
Thats it hope this article will help your people out regarding this matter.  If you find this article to be helpful. Kindly share this article in your Social Sites like Facebook, Twitter, or any social sites your in to help others who may need this info. Thank you for visiting this site. Your support is highly appreciated.


  1. Hi, I just want to ask if there are other options for me to transfer my TIN to the RDO of my company. Back in 2006 I put up a business that was registered under my TIN but the business never gained profit at all so i decided to shut it down and failed to report it to my Home RDO for closure. Now that I am working as a plain employee my company is requiring me to transfer my TIN to their RDO. To my dismay, my Home RDO is not allowing me to do so unless I settled my obligation with them by paying fees, penalties, etc. I tried making an arrangement with my Home RDO by submitting a promisory note but it didn't work either. I am willing to pay but I cannot make a one time big time payment. Pls help me. I just want to know if there are other options for me to do this. Thank you

  2. Hi Oninknight,

    You have an option to talk with the Revenue District Officer or his assistant regarding this matter.

    The penalties may be reduced on a certain point that is allowed depending on your situation.

    But it should all be in writing. As it is the BIR officers are only limited to the policy allowed by the agency.

    Your home RDO are tied down to that policy with regards to your situation. They cannot really transfer your TIN unless you settle that obligation. For they are liable. This is why they require you to settle first.

    I suggest to talk with the Revenue District officer or the assistant on your concern.

  3. hi!

    In my case, I work for a company not as a regular employee but as an independent contractor.
    The company then asked me to get a TIN because they need it to withold 2% of my earnings every month.
    So, I applied for a TIN in RDO 039 (South Quezon City) but I wasn't able to complete my application.
    I failed to pay the necessary fees at an authorized agent bank because, for some reason, I had to go back to my town in Davao
    I know where my TIN is registered but it's difficult to be physically present in RDO 039 to submit the 1905 BIR form.
    how can I transfer my TIN to davao? Can I possibly settle the accounts here in my town?

  4. Hi Sir Tomtax! A pleasant day to you. I stumbled into your site by accident desperately seeking for answers in the situation that I'm in. Your efforts in creating this blogspot is highly appreciated. I'm been working with various companies for the past 25 years within metromanila and never had the problem with filing an updated RDO until now.I started with a T.A.N id no. and then in 2000 my employer in ortigas then was kind enough to convert it to TIN.They said at that time that although I was in ortigas my RDO was in makati since this is where their main HR ofc is located. I then worked in cubao,then pasay and now currently in status is M3 and my current employer insist of having my RDO updated using form 2305 rather than a 1905 when I don't have any dependents to update.I was wondering why my current employer wont update it for me and why is the update needed when I never wokred in the province.My status with them is now single for a year now.One thing more, I have this fear of updating my RDO is that my co-worker who updated his incurred a 30k tax debt and was told that his previous employer didn't pay the correct taxes for him.My questions now are:Is it really necessary to update RDO's when I never worked outside of metromanila? Can you please give me tips in making inquiries with BIR without instantly getting penalized if there would be any? and Shouldn't it be the employer that gets penalized when they don't deduct the correct amount of taxes?where should I file a formal complaint?I would forever be thankful for any information that you can provide me.Thank you again--Sonny

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hi good day,
    i really hope this article is still active,. uhm i'm currently working here in qc, but my rdo i in iloilo (previuos employer). i can't contact rdo in iloilo me what should i do, i've got 1 dependent now i can't update my tax status because of me..thanks in advance

  7. Hi there!

    I've been trying to reach your direct line but I'm always prompted to call back at a later time.
    I need to fax my BIR 1905 because I have to transfer my home RDO from 50 to 008. I was advised by BIR here in Baguio to call first before faxing it.
    Since I'm having a hard time getting someone on the line, can I just fax it directly?

  8. Hi!
    I am currently on the process of completing my pre-employment requirements, and in terms of changing RDO from my old to my new company, can I have someone go to the new RDO for my 1905 to be stamped? Problem is as much as id like to personally do it, my schedule wouldnt let me. I have saturday sunday off, and my work falls on Mon-Fri at 7:00am to 4:00pm so i am really having trouble. I hope someone can assist and give me advice. Thanks!

  9. Hi, what will happen if i fail to transfer my tin number to the rdo where my recent employer was registered. Thank you.

  10. Hi, what will happen if i fail to transfer my tin number to the rdo where my recent employer was registered. Thank you.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  13. good day in my case my Old RDO is in quiapo, manila and now my new employer is here in Cebu, what do i need to do? Quiapo is too far for me to personally visit there.
