
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Revenue Region No. 2 CAR -Baguio Map Location

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BIR Revenue Region No. 2 Baguio
Revenue Region No. 2 Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) complete directory can be found here.

Telephone Nos (074) 442-6960 telfax & 442-8419.

When we talk of Baguio City the cool foggy air comes to mind. Thats why its the summer capital of the Philippines. Well, we have that also in Mindanao like Malaybalay, Bukidnon. And lately theres Dahilayan. Anyway, in this part of the country Baguio is the place most people in Luzon go to.

During hot summer months this place is the most popular choice to go to. And strawberries come to mind, Camp John Hay, and other popular places Baguio has to offer. 

Recommended blogs for your travel to Baguio City:

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